Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 19: Something I miss

I never thought that I'd look back and high school and miss it, but I truly do sometimes. I was so lucky to have best friends who were goofy, hilarious, sweet, and Christ-seeking all at the same time. The same people dressed as nerds and pirates were the same sweet girls I prayed with in a covered wagon at the beginning of senior year. I spent so much time doubled over in laughter over some inside joke or unpredictable thing that someone would do... but they were also always, always there for me. I miss having those girls in my life who know me oh-so-well, and having the consistency of seeing them every day. That's something that college just won't allow! At any rate, I am so thankful to have had a wonderful high school experience!

Yes, those would be cookies. Forget cucumbers!

Spirit Week= the best week of school

One more thing: I miss swimming! I swam alllll the time in high school, and now my schedule (and my motivation) has practically eliminated it from my life. I had some of the funniest times with teammates, and I do miss being on a sports team! Although I wasn't a superstar swimmer, I definitely enjoyed it. Working camp this summer and teaching the swim track really got me excited once again for the sport... and I wish I had the motivation to get myself up in the early mornings to start it back up again! What's it going to take to get it back on my schedule?

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