2 years ago we hosted 2 Asian students at our home for Thanksgiving Break. This weekend, I thought about how long it had been since I really invested in many international students. If you've read even a few of my blog posts in the last few months, you'll know that I've been full of excuses for why I should only focus on my schoolwork and how overwhelming it all is, brushing aside all the other responsibilities that Christ has placed before me. It took a long date with Jesus last night and some desperately needed alone time to remind myself that serving Christ is a choice that I must make and a priority that I must place before anything else.
I feel the temptations pressing in on me to forget about Christ and the joy He gives me. I see so many good things to live for- teaching, homemaking, doing well in school, loving the people closest to me, etc. They are all good things, and each can glorify Christ in unique ways. But are those good things my motivation for living? What gets me out of bed every morning? Why do I act and plan and talk the way that I do? What is it that gives me life, breath, and joy each day? Placing Christ as my top priority is a choice. I must choose to meaningfully get out of my bed each morning and purpose my steps in a manner that says "today I live because Christ gives me breath, and so I will breathe for Him."
This isn't so much about missing international students as it is about missing the focus that I once had on the One who gives me breath. I miss arranging my schedule around quiet time with the Lord and service to Him. Arranging my schedule around work for school is exhausting, yet often necessary, so I pray that my heart would be steadfast on Him even on the days when all I do is write papers.
If I truly say that I live for Christ, I pray that my heart and mind would be steadfast and focused on Him, moment by moment.
"Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory." -Col. 3:1-4
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