Sunday, January 22, 2012

A pep talk for my last semester

School starts tomorrow, and I'm sitting here attempting to read each 25-page syllabus/do the readings (who gives homework before classes even begin?!?!), but all I've accomplished is making a pitcher of passion tea and breaking my heart to the sound of Boyce Avenue (just listen- Oh well. It is still break, after all.

College has been full of transitions- both smooth and abrupt- and it seems that college students just learn to brace themselves for every jerk of the ride. New friendships blossom at the beginning of every semester, often wilting as soon as someone transfers, graduates, or just plain gives up on school altogether. New dorm rooms and new professors at the start of each year. New freshman to make you realize how old you have gotten (and I couldn't have possibly looked that small and immature when I was a freshman?!...). New classes at the beginning of every semester allow us to pick our new favorite seat and get a new reputation with the professor and the class. You decide your social fate on the very first day of class- if you are talkative and introduce yourself to those around you, you may make new friends to share notes/beg for help/complain about the class with... but if you keep to yourself on the first day, staring at the syllabus on your desk until the professor waltzes in to explain it, you probably will go in & out from class every day without even learning the name of the person next to you. The first day of class is always a new beginning. They are broken up by so many breaks and long car rides up & down I-65 and rolling suitcases and stuff you can pack easily that suddenly... everything begins to seem so temporary. So. Many. Transitions.

The big transitions are coming up for me in just 4 months. I'll be leaving my apartment in Bowling Green which I share with 2 other girls, moving back to Louisville, living with a boy, living in Louisville, leaving my church, leaving WKU, student teaching in JCPS, then getting a big girl teaching job (Lord willing, in January!). Oh my goodness. Suddenly, I want to cherish that 8:00 a.m. class that I have tomorrow morning and the little apartment that I share with my sweet friends. I want to appreciate and find joy in the wedding planning process, and I want to enjoy being engaged until the day that we are married. I want to cherish the time I have left at my precious church, because I'm going to miss it so much when I leave. The last 4 years have been full of so many temporary things that I've dismissed with wishful "If only time could move faster"s and "I can't wait"s. Rather than complaining, I'm praying that the Lord humbles me to realize that my season of singleness is a rare gem that I won't get back come May 19. How will He use me until then?

I am so thrilled to find out how He'll use me as a married woman, but until then... I pray that He'll use me to His maximum potential in the time I have left as a single one.

In the meantime, I'm using this short amount of time I've got left before I get married to learn how to cook- I keep saying I'll do it, but I've put it off. I took a Gourmet Foods class last year, which was a start, but I really am terrible at making food. So go to my "Operation Domestication" page (thank you for appreciating my creative title) to watch the process- I really hope it works out :) ha.

4 months. I'm ready now. Thank you for reading my mental pep talk to go read those syllabi and have a happy heart about it.


  1. We can work on domestication this semester if you want! Looking forward to time with you soon! :)

  2. Emily, THIS IS ME!!!!!!!!!! Nothing to do at the IMB office today so I am catching up on your engagement posts :) Hooray for learning from your journey!
