Tuesday, May 14, 2013

When Life Interrupted

Photo Credit: OSL

One year ago, life interrupted our plans.

One week before saying "I Do," the Lord said "I do not think you trust Me enough."

One month after being married, we were renters of a precious apartment but wondered how on Earth we would get rent paid.

And yet, in the midst of it all, He was crafting a beautiful lesson. We asked, and He provided... sometimes in the strangest (and, therefore, most obvious) ways.


Just enough grocery money.

Conditioner (right when I needed it).


Acceptance Letters.

And finally, as we surprisingly make our way back to our my college town/his hometown, we see Him provide yet again through a rental home. We didn't ask to be pampered; we didn't expect the Lord to show us a home that exceeded our (but mostly my) expectations. And yet He choose to bless us.

One year ago, before life interrupted our plans, I trusted in myself and my skills to provide for myself. He brought us through the fire and hammered out our hearts until now, one year later, we are praising Him for every blessing and acknowledging Him as our wonderful Provider.
"One of the most amazing revelations of God comes to us when we learn that it is in the everyday things of life that we realize the magnificent deity of Jesus Christ." -Oswald Chambers

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