Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Week 5 in Africa

I am almost moved to tears about how wonderfully the Lord has heard and answered prayer! In the past week, He has given me confidence to speak Zarma (although it’s not exactly fluent or even understandable at times, and my dictionary is well-worn) and I have found myself resting in the knowledge that He is always, always in control.

This week we began playing Gospel tapes for women around the village. We use The Good News for Women, which shares Bible stories about women Jesus encountered, plays a song or two, and shares testimonies from various African women who have become Christ followers. We ask women to listen to the tapes as they work, and most have graciously allowed us to play them! When they hear that the tape is more than just fun music, they often become disinterested, but we are praying that the Lord will bring us to the right compounds.

Ministry looks different every day. Although playing tapes is a huge part of our reason for being here, we are in this village to shine light in a dark, dark place. Whether I am playing with a precious kid, peeling garlic for a friend, or praying for a young bride, light is being spread when I do it all in Jesus’ name! It is incredible to me how even the smallest action here makes the largest difference- I sow a seed every time that I tell a child that Jesus loves them, even if they do not know who Jesus is. I was encouraged this week as I read 1 Corinthians 3:5-9:
“…the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, [another] watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor. For we are God’s fellow workers, you are God’s field, God’s building.”
Regardless of the fruit we see at the end of the summer, God is growing the seeds that we plant across our village. He is working on hearts in ways that we cannot even imagine, and He knows the names of each person He will call to Himself. I am so thankful to be a part of a ministry that will one day see many Songhai believers in our village! Thank the good Lord Jesus that salvation is not up to Erin and I- if that were the case, we would never see a single woman believe in Jesus. I’m so glad that God is in control of every single heart and situation!

Please please pray for us as we spend 3 more weeks out in the village. Pray for endurance. Pray that we will have patience with the people. Pray that the Lord will give us strength, health, and motivation to live each day to its absolute fullest, nearly exhausting ourselves from ministry!

Pray fervently for the hearts of the Songhai. Pray that we would be led to the right women, and that they will see more than just our white skin as we talk about our Savior. The Lord hears prayers and has answered them in miraculous ways this summer, so we are extremely grateful for your partnership with us in prayer!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you right now. So proud of you. Keep persevering!!
    Love you,
