Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Day 29: Goals for the next 30 days

One more day of this, and I'm DONE with the 30-day challenge that seems to have lasted 30 years. I'm so ready to be done with this list, although it has been fun! Who knew that the girl who loves planning would want to break free of structure?! My mind has been flying in one million different directions... and I'm excited to share what's been going on inside of there.

My goals for the next 30 days revolve around the foot surgery I'm having on Tuesday. One week from today, I'll be a crippled shut-in, coaxing my family members into entertaining/feeding me for a few weeks. I would say that a goal of mine would be to get as much running & jumping in as possible before next week, just to get out all that energy and take advantage of my working feet, but I have 2 papers & 2 finals which call my name instead.

Goals for the next 30 days:

  1. Finish making Christmas presents

  2. Watch 1,000,000 movies since D thinks I'm "uncultured" for never watching Adam Sandler or Braveheart

  3. Wedding plan out the wazoo (but this is the FUN PART- wedding party attire, decorations, planning the ceremony, etc. etc. etc., and REGISTERING!!!!!)

  4. Use the power chairs at Wal-Mart (because I can)

  5. Teach the BFF how to knit

I honestly don't know if I'll be able to handle sitting still for weeks... but we shall see! Come visit me so that I don't go crazy :)

But first: write that 10-page paper. Tonight.

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