Friday, October 4, 2013

Worship (Day 4): Don't think too hard

If you're reading my 31-day series on Worship for the first time, consider clicking over here to my Day 1 post to see the introduction and to find the rest of the posts in the series!


She quietly, timidly, reaches out.

I smile, quietly giving permission.

Curiously, she pulls on a curly lock, afraid of somehow breaking or flattening or somehow reversing the springy effect that she's really never seen on a person before.

"Cantik," she says. Beautiful.

I shuffle my feet around, feeling uncomfortable with being complimented and wishing so badly that I had enough language skills to tell her in Bahasa that the same God who created the surrounding Balinese mountains stooped down to create me-- curly, messy, outrageous hair and all. I wanted to talk for hours, smile together, and worship the Creator over His vast creation (including my vast amount of hair).

But really, all I could say in my meager language skills was that God is good. She nodded. I think she understood... but maybe I'll never know.

Sometimes we make worship so darn complicated-- we close our eyes and strain for words and contrive an experience that we feel should be fit for worship-- but God only asks that we worship. We close and strain and contrive because we want to be filled from the experience; God only asks that we take our fillings and pour them at His feet.

Don't think too hard: worship can be as simple as "God is good."

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