Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 11: Favorite TV Shows

You already know that I'm not a TV-watcher. I've never seen an episode of House or Glee, and I haven't watched the news in a long time. In the olden days, I was faithful fan of "The Elephant Show," but you won't see me singing "skinamarinky dinky dink" anymore (sorry)!
If I am running on the treadmill or absolutely bored out of my mind on the ridiculously long Christmas break, however, I do find myself watching some TV:

TLC. Who doesn't love a good adoption, wedding, or baby story? "What Not to Wear" is also a favorite. I'm a sucker for a good, emotional, precious family story- I seriously cried while watching "A Baby Story" last week... while on the treadmill. That's embarrassing.

HGTV. Practically since birth, I've always wanted to be good at interior designing! As a high schooler, I even had a folder full of magazine clippings picturing ideas for my future home... it was a little over-the-top, but should give you an idea of how obsessed I get with shows like "Design on a Dime".

I Love Lucy. That counts, right? :)

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