Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 12: What I Believe

If you've ever read more than one of my blog posts, you know full well that I believe in the God of the Bible, and I love Him. I believe that He exists, He loves us, sin separates us, Jesus saved us, and all we've got to do it receive that truth. I believe that, because of what Jesus Christ did for me, I should live my entire life for His glorification. There is no other option than to praise Him!

I believe that God has a heart for the nations. It's all over the Bible. Because of that, I am compelled to share what I believe with those who may never have a chance to hear it otherwise. How will they hear unless someone is sent to them?

I believe that a smile is the best remedy for almost anything, and it is the best accessory.

I believe that you should (almost) always buy the generic brand at the grocery store.

I believe that kids have the most beautiful and trusting relationships with Christ... and I believe we don't expect enough from them.

I believe that I'd rather be fat & happy than skinny & miserable.

I believe that an encouraging note takes little effort but largely comforts. And also, I believe that we shouldn't ask "How are you?" unless we really have time for and interest in a real answer.

I believe in making a wish at 11:11.

Finally, I believe that the sunsets in my backyard are some of the best I've seen:

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