It has been so easy for me to walk through my days like a living zombie, just waiting for the next free moment that I can snag to go finish my homework or settle back into my apartment. I live moment-by-moment with eyes glazed over. But something happened this week that made my eyes snap back to life and shot a powerful jolt up my bones; it whispered that we are not meant to live life as passers-by. God created a beautiful and meaningful world for us to live in; it is flawed, but it holds so much restored beauty. He created the springtime for us to remember that He makes all things new; He created long walks to the car so I could remember to look at the surroundings I pass every day. It's like living next to a mountain- in your daily routine, you forget the mountains are there. Or you forget how beautiful they actually are.
Take time to breathe, slow down, and applaud the Lord for the beautiful things He creates in every person, event, and surrounding. He creates such beautiful things, if we will only stop and notice them.
[...] The Beauty of Today (emilyharrod.wordpress.com) [...]