Sunday, March 31, 2013

Good morning, rainy Easter

On Friday, we mourned the death of our Messiah. But Sunday-- yes, even this rainy Sunday-- we celebrate the return of our King. He conquered sin and death so that every single thing I've done to disappoint, reject, or anger Him has been taken away. My debt is gone; I'm set free not because of anything I have done, but because of His work on the cross and coming back to life on that glorious day.

Today, even amidst the up-and-coming Spring weather and family time and really good Starburst jellybeans, I'm most excited to remember that He conquered my sin through death and resurrection. It's the whole reason I'm a Christ follower. Have a happy Easter Sunday!

"So three days in darkness slept the Morning Son of righteousness;
But rose to shame the throes of death and overturn His rule.

Now daughters and the sons of men would pay not their dues again;
The debt of blood they owed was rent when the day rolled anew.

On Friday, a thief; on Sunday, a King. 
Laid down in grief, but awoke holding keys. 
To Hell on that day, firstborn of the slain; the man Jesus Christ laid death in His grave."

-John Mark MacMillan, "Death in His Grave"

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