Have I ever told you about our first Valentine's Day as a married couple? Probably not, because I made it pretty awful for both of us. To my credit, I had spent a whole day subbing for an inner-city kindergarten class on one of the craziest school days of the year-- attempting to coordinate the exchange of cards and settling down 28 unfamiliar kids on a sugar high-- but my mood wasn't exactly the one you wanted around for the Day of Love. As always, D was kind and loving, but I was moody and acting weird and not being very appreciative of the awesome dinner he made and the thoughtful gift he surprised me with. Feelings were hurt. Hearts were definitely not nurtured. My moodiness definitely reigned on.
Wouldn't it be nice if we were all stable, calm, thoughtful people who did not act on whims of emotion or harbored bitterness? Our relationships would look a lot more peaceful; forgiveness would be simple; unconditional love would be effortless.
I know no one who is so predictable.
"The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. He will not always accuse, nor will He harbor His anger forever. He does not treat us as our sins deserve, or repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love for those who fear Him. As far as the EAST is from the WEST..." -Ps. 103:8-12ish
I'm thankful for a God who is not moody, indecisive, or unpredictable. He doesn't act on a whim of emotion or harbor any bitterness-- rather, He LOVES and does everything for us consistently out of LOVE. What human do I know that remains the same, even in emotion? What man is predictable by nature, 100% of the time? None! He'd be the perfect date; an even better husband. He is the same everyday, regardless of how I hurt Him or slay Him or ignore Him. He continues to be the same, loving God!
Why is this so difficult for us to comprehend? Why, although we know His predictable nature, do we continue to believe the lie that our sins will take away His love? He is not like any human-- His nature is unfathomable.
Praise Him in His predictability, and rest in the knowledge that He never, ever changes.
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