Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I've always called myself a planner. There's something about that little green book filled with to-do lists and appointments, full of graffiti about next Wednesday's pre-lunch date and tomorrow's reminders about preparing an English lesson, that makes me feel organized and in control. I love that little green planner. I love knowing just what is going on in my life. Chaos is most definitely not invited into the life of Emily Harrod.
There is one minor detail about the planner that I am particularly attracted to: the dates. My pretty little Franklin Covey planner stops at December 2010 and provides only a few lines for "Future Planning" endeavors. I like this very much- there is absolutely no need to think about anything beyond that date. There is a certain kind of comfort that comes from the rigid lines and pre-printed pages that makes me feel safe and trusting; any type of planning beyond those lines completely crushes my trust in Christ.

Today I have been tackled with yet another option to add to the always-growing stack of possibilities post-graduation. It was enough to make me completely distracted at work, forgetting the ringing telephone and the irritated mother of a potential student. My mind was completely engulfed in the dreams and possibilites for my future... but I am absolutely paralyzed by the options! Anything that is going to happen that far in advance is way off my radar. I can be a planner, but those plans are trumped by the ultimate Planner's agenda. So why should I worry or freak out... God knows what I need! Although I have to say that I'm about to jump out of my window right now out of excitement and impatience over everything, most definitely. All I need to know right now is that I need to go back into work in a couple hours and then I need to do homework tonight. The rest? God's got it written in His planner :)


  1. 1. I love that you mentioned our pre-lunch wednesday's. :D
    2. I also loved how we just talked about this today. :D It was a much needed conversation that I'm sure could've lasted much longer!

    Love you so much girl! God's doing somme great things in you, I can tell!
